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Essay On Women In Indian Armed Forces

Essay On Women In Indian Armed Forces

Essay On Women In Indian Armed Forces

Women have done incredible things in the history of the world. They have proven from time to time that they are equal in just about every way with the men. Today, women are walking shoulder to shoulder with men in all spheres of life.

The Supreme Court of India allowed women to serve as permanently commissioned officers in 10 combat support arms and services of the Indian Army. If we take a global perspective, women are serving in the defence forces of many other countries such as the USA, Israel, Canada, Britain Germany etc.

But women are normally not included in on-field combat roles.  They either serve in technical and administrative posts or sometimes voluntarily on the battlefield. The argument behind it is that women might be weaker physically. 

Thus, they would not possess the physical attributes suitable to become combat soldiers.  As per the report of an NGO, female soldiers are, on average, shorter and smaller than men, with 45-50% less upper body strength and 25- 30% less aerobic capacity, which is essential for endurance. 

In addition, a concern is that romantic relationships between men and women belonging to the same unit could disrupt a unit's fighting capacity. Another argument against the inclusion of women in combat units is that placing women in combat would create a risk of them being captured, tortured and sexually harassed. 

Marriage and the subsequent birth of their children are major turning points in the careers of servicewomen. If we talk about some pros, allowing a mixed-gender force keeps the military strong. Women are more effective in some circumstances than men. 

Allowing women to serve doubles the talent pool for delicate and sensitive jobs that require interpersonal skills. Currently, only the Indian Air Force inducts women in a combat role as fighter pilots.

The Air Force has around 13% of women officers, the highest among all three forces. The Army has approx 4% of women officers, while the Navy has 6% of women officers. 

We can also say that India has limited experience as regards the induction of women in the armed forces. Hence, our knowledge of the complexities and long-term effects of the issues involved is very limited. On the other hand, women have been serving in the militaries of developed countries for a long time. 

These countries have acquired a deep understanding of all the issues. It is the responsibility of the Government to create both administrative and social infrastructure for the easy induction of women into the Armed Forces so that they can serve their country too.

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  1. Discover the remarkable journeys of women in the Indian Armed Forces. From breaking barriers to making history, their stories are waiting to be told.


  2. The increasing presence of women in the Indian Armed Forces highlights gender equality and their vital contributions to national ||Notice of Appearance Divorce New York||Conversion Divorce New York State defense. Their roles in various capacities exemplify dedication and resilience, breaking traditional barriers and inspiring future generations.

  3. Explore the extraordinary journeys of women in the Indian Armed Forces. From shattering barriers to creating history, their inspiring stories are ready to be shared.

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  7. It is very sad to see that countries have begun to draft women into the army, I often see this on tiktok. I wanted to download such a video without a watermark and in good quality to show my relatives. helped me a lot with this. I recommend it to everyone

  8. Are there any info on if they were using ear protection? Just got into this whole thing after reading about Savior equipment at


  9. This essay sheds light on the significant contributions and challenges faced by women in the Indian Armed Forces. It’s inspiring to ||New York State Divorce Court||Is New York A Community Property State for Divorce see their growing role and the ongoing push for gender equality in a traditionally male-dominated field.


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