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Showing posts from July, 2024

Essay on Importance Of Religious Harmony

  Essay on Importance Of Religious Harmony  "All religions are designed to teach us how to live joyfully and kindly while suffering." This statement indicates the true meaning of religious harmony. India is a multi-religious and multilingual country and always enjoyed the unity of its culture among diversity.  People of different religions and communities live here side by side. India does not support any particular religion, nor does it have any national religion. The principle of secularism allows people to practice their religion without restrictions. India is a country of more than 1.3 billion people, the majority of them are Hindus. But we also have large populations of minorities, with about 150 million Muslims, making this the second largest Muslim population in the world, after Indonesia.  There are also millions of Christians, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists. In recent times, the conflict between religious communities has grown to a large extent just because of intoleranc

2 Lessons I Learnt in My Class that Helped Me in Daily Life

  2 Lessons I Learnt in My Class that Helped Me in Daily Life Introduction: "Class is not a label, nor a status to chose, It's the melody of character, in every embrace" In the realm of education, the classroom serves as a crucible for not only academic growth but also personal development. In the journey of education, lessons extend far beyond the confines of textbooks and classrooms often, the most profound teachings are those that resonate in our daily lives, shaping our perspectives and guiding our actions. I have identifiably influenced my daily life.  Time management- The first lesson I learned is the importance is time management. In one of my classes, the Instructor emphasized the critical role of effective time management in achieving academic success and personal fulfilment.  The lesson has proven invaluable in my daily life where demands and responsibilities complete of my attention. Whether it's balancing academic assignments extracurricular activities,

Essay on mobile addiction in English 250 words

  Essay on mobile addiction in English 250 words Mobile Addiction has become a growing concern in our society nowadays. Mobile phone addiction is quite easy but it is difficult to recover from it. Many people around the world are addicted to mobile phones. It gives us the freedom to quickly connect with anyone around the world. It also enables us to find all sorts of information that we need and is a great source of entertainment. While the mobile phone invention was done to empower us, it has now started dominating us. Mobile addiction can become the main cause of many serious problems, such as headaches, weakening of eyesight, sleepiness, depression, social isolation, stress, aggressive behaviour, financial problems and less professional development. They simply scroll through the app to check the information that is online and engage in other useless activities on their mobile phones. They are so addicted to their mobile phones that they do not hesitate to check them while driving a

It is better to be born a genius than talented. Discuss.

It is better to be born a genius than talented. Introduction What is a genius and talent?  Would like to be born a genius, as it is inborn while talent is acquired, examples.  Genius can thrive in even an adverse environment. They are rare born after centuries, leaving a legacy for posterity some examples.  Conclusion - I would like To be born a genius. A Genius is not born every day. They are as rare as the blue moon. The word genius implies very extraordinary or native powers, especially as displayed in original creations, discoveries and achievements. They are inborn and are independent of instruction or training. Talent, on the other hand, is an ability with which we are blessed and can be acquired by learning or teaching. Thus while talent is a capacity to learn to do a thing well, genius is an inborn inspiration, that drives a man to do a thing with original excellence.  Thus while a 'genius' does what it must, a talent does what it can.  Given a choice, I would like to b