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10 Lines On Washing Machine In English


10 Lines On Washing Machine In English

10 Lines On Washing Machine for Class 1

1. A washing machine is a big machine we use to wash clothes.

2. It has a door where we put our dirty clothes inside.

3. We add water and soap to the washing machine to clean the clothes.

4. Then the washing machine spins the clothes around to wash them.

5. After washing, we take out the clothes and put them on a line to dry.

6. Some washing machines can also dry the clothes inside.

7. It helps us to keep our clothes clean and fresh.

8. Washing machines come in different sizes and colors.

9. They make doing laundry easier and faster for families.

10. Washing machines are a helpful appliance in every home.

10 Lines On Washing Machine for Class 2

1. A washing machine is a big machine used for washing clothes.

2. It has a door where we put our dirty clothes to wash.

3. We add water and soap inside the washing machine to clean the clothes.

4. The washing machine spins the clothes around to wash them properly.

5. After washing, we take out the clothes and hang them to dry on a clothesline or put them in a dryer.

6. Some washing machines have buttons or knobs to choose different washing settings, like temperature and cycle duration.

7. Washing machines save time and effort compared to washing clothes by hand.

8. They help us keep our clothes clean and fresh.

9. Washing machines come in different sizes and colors to suit different needs and preferences.

10. Having a washing machine at home makes doing laundry much easier and more convenient.

10 Lines On Washing Machine for Class 3

1. A washing machine is a household appliance used for cleaning clothes.

2. It has a drum inside where clothes are placed for washing.

3. We add detergent and water into the washing machine to clean the clothes.

4. The washing machine agitates the clothes by spinning them around to remove dirt and stains.

5. After washing, the clothes are rinsed with clean water to remove soap residue.

6. Some washing machines have different settings for washing different types of clothes, such as delicate or heavy-duty cycles.

7. Once the washing cycle is complete, we take out the clothes and hang them to dry or put them in a dryer.

8. Washing machines come in various sizes and designs to fit different household needs.

9. They save time and effort compared to washing clothes by hand.

10. Having a washing machine at home makes laundry chores easier and more efficient for families.

10 Lines On Washing Machine for Class 4

1. A washing machine is an essential appliance used for cleaning clothes in households.

2. It consists of a drum or tub where clothes are loaded for washing.

3. Water and detergent are added to the washing machine to remove dirt and stains from the clothes.

4. The washing machine agitates the clothes by spinning them around in the water.

5. Some washing machines have different wash cycles for different types of fabrics, such as cotton, wool, or delicate fabrics.

6. Once the washing cycle is complete, the clothes are rinsed with clean water to remove soap residue.

7. Some washing machines also have a spin cycle that removes excess water from the clothes before they are taken out.

8. After washing, the clothes can be air-dried on a clothesline or dried in a dryer, depending on the preference.

9. Washing machines come in various sizes, designs, and features to cater to different household needs and preferences.

10. Having a washing machine at home simplifies the task of laundry and saves time and effort for families.

10 Lines On Washing Machine for Class 5

1. A washing machine is a household appliance used to wash clothes efficiently and conveniently.

2. It consists of a drum or tub where clothes are placed for washing.

3. Water and detergent are added to the washing machine to clean the clothes thoroughly.

4. The washing machine agitates the clothes by spinning them around in the water, loosening dirt and stains.

5. Some washing machines offer different wash cycles for various fabric types, such as cotton, synthetics, or delicate fabrics.

6. After washing, the clothes are rinsed with clean water to remove soap residue.

7. Many washing machines also have a spin cycle that removes excess water from the clothes, reducing drying time.

8. Some advanced washing machines feature technologies like steam cleaning or allergen removal for enhanced cleanliness.

9. Washing machines come in different sizes and capacities to suit the needs of various households.

10. Having a washing machine at home simplifies the process of laundry and is an indispensable appliance for modern living.

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