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Essay On Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

Essay On Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

The pen is mightier than the sword. Give your views for or against the statement 

  • Introduction - Agree with the statement, as pen ruled by mind while sword ruled by muscle. 
  • Pen of revolutionary writers create a revolution, Some examples. 
  • Pen conquers the mind permanently, while the sword conquers the body temporarily, some examples.
  • Pen of saints and philosophers generate love, while the sword generates animosity. 
  • Conclusion - The power wielded by the pens of writers and sages is but an image of God. 

"Power flows from the barrel of a gun". History is witness to the plight of people, thrown into oblivion, as they believed in the above dictum. This is because the power of a pen is ruled by the mind, which is far mightier than a sword, ruled by the muscle. 

The sword may conquer the body, but it can never conquer the heart and mind of the person. Therein lies the difference, for the conquest of the body is short-lived, while that of the heart is everlasting. 

This is the reason why we find the great ideas and thoughts penned by great writers, behind all big revolutions. The fiery slogans of liberty, equality and fraternity put forth by Rousseau and Voltaire ignited the French revolution.

Similarly, Das Kapital authored by Karl Marx, fired the imagination of countries ushering in the communist revolution, that swept across Asia and Europe. These revolutionary thoughts expressed by writers in their books, continue to influence our lives. 

They are more resounding than the greatest of all military victories. Thus while the world still re-emerged such great writers with awe, it has thrown into oblivion great conquerors like Napoleon, Taimur and Hitler. 

In India, we had seen the magic woven by the pen of Mahatma Gandhi. He wakened the Indian masses from their age-old slumber, to wage a fight for independence from the mighty British Empire. 

The reason for this is obvious, we can subdue our opponents by use of force only temporarily. If we can influence his mind we can bring about a permanent transformation. The great emperor Ashoka realised this after the long and arduous battle of Kalinga. 

So moved was he by the teachings of Buddha, that he set forth spreading his message of love and compassion throughout Asia. It was because of this he was able to achieve greater glory and fame by winning the hearts of people, than by the use of his sword. While the thought of great revolutionaries generates revolution, the writing of great sages and religious leaders influences our lives profoundly. 

The Ramayana and Geeta written by Valmiki and Vedvyas not only inspire us today but shall continue to inspire generations till eternity. The great exploits of Rama and Arjuna would have faded away from memory, had it not been immortalised by them.

So it is evident that the pen carries the sword, on its shoulder, for without it even the little impact that it has is transitory. This is the reason why even in war, we try to influence, the enemy's mind through propaganda. 

The Nazis feared the leaflet raids more than the Allied bombers in the Second World War. The use of the sword brings with it such negative feelings like animosity, anger and hatred. The effect of the pen is much more humane and noble as it brings love, affection, peace and tranquillity. 

It is this, which made John Milton remark, "Who kills a man, kills a reasonable creature. God's image but he who destroys a good book. Kills reason itself, kills the image of God as it were in the eye". Thus the powers wielded by the pens of writers are but an image of God. They rule the minds and hearts of people, while the sword can only conquer their bodies.


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