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10 Lines On Atal Tunnel In English


10 Lines on Atal tunnel in English for Class 1

1. The Atal Tunnel is like a big, long road that goes through a mountain.

2. It was named after a special leader named Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

3. The tunnel is in the mountains of India, making it easier for people to travel.

4. It helps cars and trucks go through the mountain instead of over it.

5. The tunnel is very dark inside, but it has lights to help everyone see.

6. It was built to make it safer and faster for people to go from one side of the mountain to the other.

7. Many workers helped build the tunnel, and it took a long time to finish.

8. People can use the tunnel to go to beautiful places on the other side of the mountain.

9. It's like a magic path through the mountain that opens and lets people through.

10. The Atal Tunnel is an important way for people to travel and see new places in the mountains.

10 Lines on Atal tunnel in English for Class 2

1. The Atal Tunnel is a long and special road that goes through a big mountain in India.

2. It's named after a leader named Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who thought it would be a great idea.

3. This tunnel makes it easier for cars and trucks to travel through the mountain instead of going over it.

4. Inside the tunnel, it can be dark, but there are lights to help everyone see where they are going.

5. Many people worked together to build this tunnel, like a team of builders and helpers.

6. It took a lot of time and effort to finish building the tunnel, but now it's ready for everyone to use.

7. The tunnel is like a magic path that lets people quickly go from one side of the mountain to the other.

8. It helps connect different places, making it faster and safer for people to travel.

9. People can use the tunnel to visit new and exciting places on the other side of the mountain.

10. The Atal Tunnel is an amazing road that lets us explore and enjoy the beauty of the mountains.

10 Lines on Atal tunnel in English for Class 3

1. The Atal Tunnel is a long and special road in India that goes through a huge mountain.

2. It is named after a respected leader, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who had a vision for this tunnel.

3. This tunnel helps cars and trucks move through the mountain instead of going over it.

4. It's like a magical path that connects two sides of the mountain, making travel easier.

5. Workers and builders worked together to make the tunnel, like a big team building a secret path.

6. Inside the tunnel, it might be dark, but there are lights to show everyone the way.

7. It took a lot of time and effort to build the tunnel, but now it's ready for everyone to use.

8. The Atal Tunnel is important because it makes it faster and safer for people to travel to different places.

9. People can use the tunnel to reach beautiful and interesting places on the other side of the mountain.

10. The tunnel is like a special door in the mountain that helps us explore and enjoy the mountains more easily.

10 Lines on Atal tunnel in English for Class 4

1. The Atal Tunnel is a remarkable road that goes through the Pir Panjal range of the Himalayas in India.

2. Named after Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a respected leader, the tunnel was built to make travel through the mountains easier.

3. It's one of the longest tunnels in the world, making a path through a massive mountain.

4. This tunnel is like a secret passage, helping cars and trucks travel beneath the mountain instead of going over it.

5. Construction of the tunnel involved the hard work of many people, including engineers, builders, and other workers.

6. Inside the tunnel, there are lights to guide vehicles because it can be quite dark.

7. It took a considerable amount of time and effort to complete the tunnel, but now it's open for everyone to use.

8. The Atal Tunnel is crucial because it connects two regions, making it quicker and safer for people to travel.

9. People can use this tunnel to explore beautiful places on the other side of the mountain range.

10. The Atal Tunnel is like a special pathway that showcases the marvels of engineering, making it easier for us to enjoy the wonders of nature.

10 Lines on Atal tunnel in English for Class 5

1. The Atal Tunnel is an incredible engineering feat situated in the Pir Panjal range of the Himalayas in India.

2. It is named after Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a respected leader and former Prime Minister of India, who envisioned this strategic passage.

3. Extending through the mountain, this tunnel is one of the longest in the world, creating a pathway beneath the towering peaks.

4. Unlike traditional mountain roads, the Atal Tunnel allows vehicles to travel through the mountain, making transportation safer and more efficient.

5. Many skilled workers, engineers, and builders collaborated to construct this tunnel, resembling a team of modern-day mountain explorers.

6. Inside the tunnel, there are lights to illuminate the path, ensuring safe navigation through the otherwise dark interior.

7. The construction of the Atal Tunnel required significant time, effort, and advanced engineering techniques to make it sturdy and reliable.

8. It serves as a vital link between two regions, making travel more accessible and convenient for people on both sides of the mountain range.

9. Beyond its practical purpose, the Atal Tunnel offers an exciting opportunity for people to explore and appreciate the stunning landscapes on either side.

10. The Atal Tunnel stands as a testament to human ingenuity, providing a glimpse into how technology and engineering can overcome geographical challenges for the benefit of society.

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