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Poem On India's Roadmap To Renewable Energy Pdf


Poem On India's Roadmap To Renewable Energy

India's Roadmap to Renewable Energy (POEM)

In India's land, a vision bright. A roadmap drawn, in renewable light.. solar panels gleam on rooftops high, wind turbines spin and a neat sky.

Coal's grips loosen, as the sun takes its place, Harnessing power with eco-friendly grace. From east to west, and north to south Green energy spreads, dispelling doubt.

Rivers dance with turbines, hydro's gentle flow, Generating energy where life's currents Generating grow Industries trans farm, in eco-friendly stride, India's journey to renewables, a source of pride.

A nation's vision, clear and bright, To forge a path towards the light, with innovation as its guide, India's renewable journey strides.

Poem On India's Roadmap To Renewable Energy

Amidst the land of vibrant hues,

Where dreams and hopes forever fuse,

India strides with purpose bold,

Towards a future, a tale to be told.

A roadmap etched in sunlit rays,

Where renewable energy finds its ways,

Wind turbines spin with graceful might,

Harnessing power from day to night.

Solar panels stretch in endless grace,

Capturing the sun's warm embrace,

Fields of green with biofuel's kiss,

A symphony of change, a world of bliss.

Rivers dance through turbines' embrace,

Hydropower flows, a steady pace,

Tides and waves, a rhythmic song,

In nature's arms, we all belong.

Innovation blooms, a vibrant bloom,

Geothermal whispers in the gloom,

Technology and nature, hand in hand,

As India paves a sustainable land.

A land where carbon's chains unbind,

Where pollution's grasp, we leave behind,

A legacy for generations yet to be,

A cleaner, greener world for all to see.

So march ahead, O India fair,

With every breath of cleaner air,

Renewable dreams, a future bright,

Guiding us towards the eco-light.

Poem On India's Roadmap To Renewable Energy

In India's realm, a radiant sight,

A course charted in renewable light.

Solar panels gleam atop heights untold,

Wind turbines whirl, a sky so bold.

Coal's grasp wanes, as sun claims its space,

Harvesting power, nature's embrace.

From eastern shores to western plains,

Green energy blooms, casting doubts in chains.

Rivers waltz with turbines, hydro's embrace,

Generating life from each liquid trace.

Industries transform, eco-strides in grace,

India's renewable odyssey, a source we embrace.

A nation's gaze, vivid and clear,

Treading the path toward light's frontier.

Guided by innovation's glowing art,

India's renewable journey ignites, a work of heart.

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