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If I Were a Scientist Essay in English for Students


If I were a scientist essay 200 words

India has given the world Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, Sir Visvesvaraya, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Sir C.V. Raman, Dr. Homi Bhabha, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, and Dr. Abdul Kalam have given many great scientists. I admire them all.

I keep thinking at times that "if I were a scientist" let me think. What can I do for my country, my people, and all of the above for all the living beings living on the earth? How can I be useful to humanity? 

How can I be useful for the protection and preservation of the earth? To what extent will I be in the service of Mother Earth?

If I were a scientist, service to mankind would be the first and foremost duty of life. I used to work round the clock for the treatment of deadly diseases like AIDS and cancer. I will try to end human suffering. I will invent medicines that will make old age worth living.

As a scientist, I would request all the scientists of the world to use nuclear and nuclear energy only for the welfare of mankind. 

Also, I would pray to God to remove the deadly diseases of the human mind like greed, jealousy, enmity, etc. Thus being a scientist I will try my best to be a true servant of mankind.

If I were a scientist essay 500 words

We live in a scientific age and scientists are respected everywhere. The science developed over the past several centuries has given results that have led to different reactions in different sections of society. 

There are many people who think that science has done a lot better for us. It has given us comfort, progress, and prosperity through many inventions and discoveries. 

On the other hand, there are those who consider science as the main cause of the suffering of humanity today. 

The debate has been going on for a long time. But when people talk and argue for and against it, science goes on leaps and bounds, blissfully ignorant of praise or abuse.

It is believed that we suffer because of the misuse of scientific inventions. So we don't have to apologize for wanting to be scientists. But we should become a different kind of scientist. 

We don't want to be confined to an ivory tower of pure reason regardless of the realities of life. It is not a hollow statement to say that modern man lives, breathes, and owes his existence to science. 

Science plays an important role in every little detail of our life. We want to do our part to make this world better than it is today.

If I were a scientist, I would like to continue my work in the field of pure science. Pure science is the tireless search for truth in search of the mysteries of nature. 

Therefore no fault-finding is possible through pure scientific research, which has expanded the boundaries of man's knowledge of himself and the world. It is a systematic knowledge and its discovery has revealed the mysteries of nature and harnessed its amazing power. 

What a scientist discovers after years of research in the solitude of his laboratory gives far-reaching results in our practical life. I just want to be such a humble devotee in the temple of the goddess of science.

If I were a scientist, I would want to be free from the powerful business and industrial giants who try to exploit scientists for their own sake. 

Generally, every human being wishes for peace, progress, abundance, and prosperity. 

But anecdotal experience shows that the conduct of man is not always governed by these noble principles. 

Selfishness, ambition, a sense of aggression, jealousy, and the desire to ascend to the upper social strata are often superior to man's noble feelings. 

A scientist is also a man subject to these weaknesses. Prospects of fame, material gains, or otherworldly considerations may lead him away from his right path. 

Now trade and industry together are governed by science. Big industrial institutions and business firms want to buy the service of the best scientists for their own benefit, which may not be suited to the larger interest of mankind. 

Thus there is every possibility of misuse and exploitation of science for personal and selfish purposes. Personally, I would try to stay away from these temptations.

I am also not in favor of government control. If businesses and industries can be selfish, governments and states can be far more treacherous. It's common knowledge that first. 

World War II - Germany, Russia, Japan, England, and the USA Almost an army of scientists was employed in the year to invent new machines of death and destruction. 

Thus Hitler and Mussolini were able to harness the best scientific mind to their advantage and to the miseries of mankind.

It is true that modern scientific research is very expensive and requires huge amounts of money.

so the encouragement and protection of the state must be channeled through autonomous academic bodies that can withstand powerful pressures from power-hungry politicians. can.

Modern man lives in an environment that is mainly the creation of modern science. Therefore, it follows that more than any other scientist exerts the greatest controlling influence on human life today. 

The power of science is almost unlimited. It has infinite possibilities of good and evil. Science in essence is a non-human force and it is only the scientist - the human embodiment of this powerful force - who can determine whether it will be the benefactor or destroyer of mankind.

I will strive to be an ideal scientist, a sincere seeker of truth. My only mission will be to discover every possible secret of nature. Pasteur, Jenner, Dewey, Madame Curie, Fleming, Einstein, JC. Bose and Bhaba would be role models for me to follow. 

The examples of Edison, Galileo, and Newton will serve as an inexhaustible source of strength and inspiration for me. I will be a worshiper of truth for the betterment of mankind. 

I will firmly defend my birthright to explore the hidden paths of knowledge without any hindrance or hindrance on the part of society, state or government. 

At the same time, I will refuse to allow my discoveries to be used for immoral or unjust purposes. I know this ideal is not easy to achieve, but I will not give up for fear of poverty, misery, or suffering.

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