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Essay On Importance of Ramadan in English for students

Essay On Importance of Ramadan in English for students

10 Lines on Ramadan in English

1. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam.

2. For Muslims Ramadan is a very special time of the year.

3. In this holy month, Muslims will go without all the pleasures of the body during daylight.

4. Fast begins when the first light touches the horizon and ends with sunset.

5. In this holy month, peoples are busy with prayers.

6. It is also the time to strive from lies and cheating time to do good deeds.

7. In this month, One good death gives 70 rewards.

8. Laylat-ul- Qadar occurs in the last ten days of Ramadan.

9. Muslims also do I'tikaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan.

10. The month-end with the feast of Eid-ul-Fitr, it is the celebration that revolves around family and friends.

10 Lines on Ramadan in English

1. Ramadan is one of the most important festivals of Muslims all over the world.

2. The Month of Ramadan usually starts in March or April every year.

3. This year the month of Ramadan is going to begin on 2nd April 2022.

4. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam.

5. During the month of Ramadan Muslims will go through life without all the pressures of the body during the daylight.

6. Fast begins when the first light of dawn touches the horizon and ends with the sunset.

7. During this holy month, peoples are busy with prayers.

8. It is the time to do charity. In this month Rewards Iis 70 time more, One good deed gives 70 rewards.

9. It is not only the month of fasting, but it is also time to strive from lies and cheating, time to control yourself from all evil acts. It is the time to do good deeds.

10. The month-end with the feast of Eid- ul- Fitr. It is the celebrations that revolve around family and friends.

Essay On Importance of Ramadan in English for students

“Ramadan" is also known as "Ramzan" and it is celebrated in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

Ramadan is a period of prayer, fasting, charity-giving, and self - accountability for Muslims everywhere. Ramadan, the last 10 days of Ramadan are special and it is called the " night of power".

The Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAW) during the last 10 days of Ramadan.

Ramadan is a month of forgiving and worship, where Livery Muslims get closer to God. Celebrating Ramadan is a way to honor Muhammad and way to honor Muhammad and develop more self-control.

Essay On Importance of Ramadan in English for students

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims all around the world keep fast in this holy month.

Fasting is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. The holy Quran was revealed to our beloved prophet (p.b.u.h) in the blessed month of Ramadan.

Did you know?

It is sunnah to breakfast with date or water 

Do following ibadat in Ramadan 

1. pray namaz 

2. Recite Quran 

3. Pray tahajjud 

4. Do a lot of zikr 

5. Do a lot of supplications

The holy month of Ramadan is chosen by Allah so that we can be close to him. 

Try to develop these habits in Ramadan 

  1. Don't fight 
  2. Be honest.
  3. Be kind, polite, and caring
  4. Be responsible.
  5. Be a good listener.
  6. Be respectful of others.

After the holy month of Ramadan, we celebrate eid-ul-Fitr with our near and dear ones.

Essay On Importance of Ramadan in English for students

What is Ramadan? 

What is the significance of Ramadan and what are its virtues of it? 

Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan and how does fasting work? 

What does a typical day in Ramadan look like?

What are the benefits of fasting? 

What is the significance of charity in Ramadan? 

What is Ramadan? 

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. Just so you know Islamic calendar is known as the Hygiene Calendar. The name is derived from its origin.

The event of Hijra. The Hijra is when Prophet Muhammad's peace is upon him and his followers migrated from Mecca to Medina in 622 Ad. 

The Hijra calendar is a lunar calendar consisting of twelve lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days.

 Ramadan is known as the month of fasting. During this month, Muslims fast from dawn to dust, abstaining from food, drink, and other prohibited activities.

Besides, it means much more than just fasting. We will learn more about it in a bit.

what is the significance of Ramadan and what are its virtues of it?

 Allah says the month of Ramadan which was revealed in the Quran, is a guidance for the people and clear proof of guidance and criterion. From this Aya, we learned that Allah recognizes Ramadan by choosing it to send down the Quran.

The Prophet peace be upon him said, when the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained. 

So for all Muslims Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year. It is considered the most blessed time of the year. 

The next question is, why fasting in Ramadan, and how does fasting work?

in Aya 185 from Sura Alba'alas' says Whoever signs the month let him fast it and whoever is ill or on a journey then an equal number of other days. 

Allah also says "O you who believe observing a Psalm, the fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Almu tijun the pious."

The Prophet peace be upon him said, Allah said, "every deed of the Son of Adam is for him except fasting. It is for me and I shall reward for it".

From all this, we learn that all able Muslims are obligated to fast. Allah provides an exception for those who are ill, pregnant, nursing, traveling, young children, elderly, and others who are not able during the period of fasting. 

Besides abstaining from eating and drinking, Muslims are also supposed to abstain from all small and big Saints. Even simple things like jealousy, anger, gossiping, and others. 

Because of its importance in Quran and Hadith, fasting has become one of the five pillars of Islam.

The other pillars are faith, prayer, charity, and the pilgrimage to Mecca. They form the basis of the life of a Muslim. 

What does a typical day in the month of Ramadan look like?

Muslims wake up well before dawn for the first meal of the day and fast until the sunset. This meal is known as Suhoor pre-dawn meal.

It is essential to make sure to maintain the energy levels and stay hydrated throughout the day after Sahut the morning prayers. 

After that, some worship or rest or head to work. Most work during the day as any other day of the year. During the day, people try to spend extra time than normal on prayers, Quran, recitation, and other worship activities. 

The day includes afternoon prayer and evening prayer. At the sunset, people break the fast with a light meal called an Iftar followed by the prayer that is Maghrib prayer. 

After prayers, there will be dinner which would be an elaborated full meal. Often it is shared with family and friends in small to large gatherings. 

After prayers, there will be dinner which could be elaborated full meal. Often it is shared with family and friends in small to large gatherings.

After that, it is time for night prayer. That is Isha followed by a special prayer that is only recited during Ramadan called Taraweeh. Then sleep, wake up the next morning and start all over again. 

Most importantly, many Muslims keep their focus and worship as much as they can throughout the day. 

Why fast and what are the benefits of it?

Allah has commanded us to fast during Ramadan. Note that one of the names of Allah is Alhakim which means the wisest.

 His rulings are the wisest and perfect. So Allah does not prescribe any ruling without great wisdom behind it. It is possible that we may understand some of it, but a great deal is hidden from us.

So coming to Ramadan, Allah has mentioned the reason behind the ordering of fasting upon us. As we saw in the earlier Aaya, fasting is a means of attaining Taqwa which means piety and being conscious of Allah. 

The Taqwa allows the believer to do what Allah has advised and avoid what he has forbidden. Further, from prophets, teachings, and scholars, we learned that fasting and Ramadan benefit us spiritually and socially. 

First, increased Taqwa which is piety fasting. Muslims experience great satisfaction as they demonstrate their deep love for Allah by obeying his orders. 

Fasting along with other forms of worship helps in closeness to Allah and the consciousness of Allah. This leads to increased piety and Taqwa. 

Next, appreciation and thankfulness to Allah.

Fasting makes us appreciate and give thanks to Allah for the pleasures that we enjoy during normal days. By abstaining during fasting, it teaches us the value of those pleasures. 

This also helps us to build patience and self-control. Next, increased Compassion and Mercy.

Fasting shows how it feels like to be hungry and thirsty, reminding the condition of the poor. It generates compassion and empathy for the poor and needy living around us.

Next, improved Discipline in Fasting enables us to control our desires as well as give up forbidden things. 

It teaches us how to control ourselves and develop discipline by performing all other activities. Next, it teaches us mindfulness of Allah. 

Voluntary fasting is a sign of our recognition that Allah is always watching. It helps us to develop the attitude of mindfulness of Allah.

Next, help for the poor due to increased charity during Ramadan, it helps many needy in our societies. Next, social Benefits Because most people abstain from many sins during Ramadan, it leads to better societies in general. 

Thus, Ramadan brings many benefits in many ways to individuals as well as to societies. One more important thing these days is you hear a lot about the health benefits of intermittent fasting, which is similar to the fasting practice during Ramadan. 

You can find many research reports in medical journals revealing various benefits of fasting right from simple health benefits to cancer prevention and treatment.

However, for a believer, you are fasting to please Allah and you rely on him alone to reward you. His rewards are both evident and concealed, so simply do for the sake of Allah and expect rewards from Him alone. 

What is the significance of charity in Ramadan? 

From the life of the Prophet, peace be upon him. We learn that he used to be more generous than the fast wind.

During Ramadan, every good deed, including charity, is rewarded in multiple folds. This month also, most Muslims distribute their Sakat in Ramadan each year. Zakat is an obligatory annual charity of a Muslim. 

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