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Speech on Good Manners for Students in English

Speech on Good Manners for Students in English

Short Speech on Good Manners for Students

Manners don't be rude be nice manners will make your brain think twice chew with your mouth closed cover venues things 

use your manners around other people you say manners at you will be a winner it shines with good manners is flat by all good manners 

demand that we should be polite good manners win love and respect say thank you show gratitude look people in the eye 

when you speak to them this shows respect for other person good manners also means considering the feelings of other people 

we should not damage the public property we should treat silently in a public library practicing good manners is very important for all of us 

it is good if we do it from childhood being as well be heard person we set a standard for others which encourage them to practice good manners and behave.

Short Speech on Good Manners for Students

This essay includes a speech on the importance of good behavior in life. This paragraph also gives information about good manners in school and classroom for the students.

Everyone can learn how to adopt good manners, good habits, and manners. It also helps parents to teach their kids about good manners at home around tables etc.

Manners are important in our life. Our manners reflect temperament, demeanor, courtesy, politeness and body language. We do our work in any area of ​​life, we are tested by our good or bad behavior.

"Sweet words make us a good person. Only by good deeds and behavior can we move forward. This good manners essay shows pros and cons in almost every way".

Speech on Good Manners for Students in English 

Hello and a warm welcome to everyone present here. I'm here today to say a few lines on good manners.

We have been asked to learn good values ​​from childhood and apply them in our lives. The lessons of good manners are first taught at home and then in school. 

A person with good manners is looked upon with respect and dignity. In many cases, it has been observed that a person is very well dressed and has great form but lacks basic manners. 

It is clear that without proper etiquette one loses all respect. Conversely, many people simply attract attention for their good manners, regardless of their simple dress or simple looks.

Good values ​​are inculcated in a person from childhood itself. However, people tend to forget these etiquettes in their busy and hectic schedules. 

But, those who know the real value of good manners will never forget and disrespect them. They will follow him in the toughest and most difficult of times.

It would not be wrong to say that today there is a shortage of people with good values ​​in the society and hence many issues start coming up.

A person with good manners signifies many important things. Manners are a direct reflection of what kind of family he belongs to. 

They also show the upbringing of the person. The soft-spoken and polite person has learned the qualities from childhood as these cannot be developed suddenly.

Helping people, helping old people, coming forward to help others, and greeting others respectfully are some of the ways which are very much appreciated.

Education also plays a major role in learning good manners. Teachers in school help students learn good manners and apply them in their lives. 

Good manners are best understood in social gatherings and events, where one meets a wide variety of people. Conversations with strangers are the best place to judge good manners.

Speech on good manners for class 8

Good morning to all the distinguished guests present here. Today I would like to say a few words about good manners for students.

'Manners maketh man' is a very popular saying, which is true in all aspects. Good manners are something that defines us; Something that makes us admirable not only at home but also in social life. 

This is what children are taught since childhood to know and understand the importance of good values ​​in life. 

They are taught to respect and respect elders and to love people of their age. They are taught to be humble and not to argue or fight injustice. 

When a child receives something, he is taught to say thank you and if he makes a mistake he is taught to say sorry. Parents should teach these basic good manners to their children.

The next stage of good manners is learned in school when the child is around and interacts with many other children. 

The teacher should teach children about sharing, which is again a very important good way. Children should also be taught to help each other. 

The three most important words that are associated with good manners for students are "thank you", "excuse me" and "please". These are magic words, easy to say but of great impact and significance.

There are also social good manners that need to be learned to live in society. These are also called etiquette in many places. 

For example, an elderly person should be offered a seat if there is no other seat. When someone coughs or sneezes in a public place, he should keep a handkerchief over his mouth or at least cover his mouth with his hand. 

Also, wait your turn to speak at a social place. Interfering in the affairs of others is absolutely wrong conduct.

Good manners for the students help in their personal growth and development and make them better persons.

Speech on good manners are infectious

We have been taught proper manners since we were kids. At a young age, our parents told us about the importance of good manners. 

In addition, he was constantly trying to educate us to inculcate virtue in us. It is important to have proper manners for a person who wishes to lead a decent life in society. 

He must understand how to behave in public to gain everyone's approval. A literate and well-informed person is better than an illiterate person who is not.

However, his behavior Gentlemen are those who have good conduct. When you don't have the quality that makes a person a good person, no matter how educated you are, you remain a bad person. 

The entirety of a person's life depends on good manners. To be successful in life, one should always be mindful of how one interacts. 

There are businessmen and successful individuals who excel in various fields. This is because of his good manners and abilities. If an employer fails to engage their employees on a personal level, they will seek employment elsewhere. 

As a result, proper etiquette is required in every profession. Even when our parents teach us to respect our elders, we still have a tendency to misbehave with them. 

As long as we continue to disregard our elders, our younger generation will have little respect for us. Having good manners also requires showing respect. 

Respect is a basic human need. In addition, many individuals make concerted efforts to earn respect. 

My parents have always taught me as a child that the most important thing is to have respect. It implies that everyone in life should be treated with dignity. 

One must have proper manners to live in society. Additionally, maintaining a peaceful environment contributes significantly to how others see you as a person.

Speech on Good Manners for Students in English 


Good values ​​make life great. We move from smallness to sovereignty, from narrow-minded to high thoughts, from selfishness to liberal feelings, from arrogance to meekness, from hatred to love. 

The seed of Sanskar should be sown in the heart of the child from childhood itself. Etiquette in student life will gradually lead to development.

Importance of good manners in our life

Good values ​​are very important in our daily life and every parent should teach their children good values ​​and their importance in life. Good manners require effective interaction with friends as well as making a good impression on them.

Good manners help us to remain positive throughout the day. Good ways open up new interactions with people and opportunities in life. If someone talks rudely to you, don't talk to him the way he does, just behave the way he talks to you, it just creates rudeness.

Some good manners are as follows:

  • Whenever we get something from someone, we should say thank you. And if someone helps us then we should say thanks without fail.
  • We should say please when asking others for help or asking for something.
  • We should always support those who are in pain.
  • We should always accept our mistakes and rectify them without any hesitation.
  • We must get permission before touching or using someone else's things.
  • We should be disciplined and punctual in daily life.
  • We should always praise others for their good behavior and qualities.
  • We should listen very carefully to those who are talking to us.
  • We must get permission before touching or using someone else's things.
  • We should always answer other questions with a smile.
  • We should never interrupt the conversation between elders and wait for our turn.
  • We should respect elders whether it is family, relationships or neighbors, parents or teachers.
To draw attention to something, we should say excuse me.
We should knock on the door before entering anyone's house or room.

What is a good-natured person like?

A well-mannered person is never arrogant or arrogant and always takes care of the feelings of others. Practicing good manners and following them throughout the day brings sunshine and adds virtue to life. He/she is always mentally happy as good manners enrich his/her personality.

Good manners should be taught every day

Good values ​​should be taught to all the students in every school and college. First of all, parents should start teaching good values ​​to their children from childhood.

This is a boon for them as their future is bright. The lack of good values ​​in the youth of the country takes them on the wrong path. Nothing is spent on practicing good manners.


We must keep on using magic words like "happy", "please", "thank you", "forgive me" etc without delay to maintain a happy relationship. Parents must help their children to practice such words in order to behave well in everyday life. These words reflect a feeling of regret, joy, admiration, and respect for people.



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