Essay on digital competence for academic and professional life
1. How have the concepts of digital competence and digital literacy been defined and used in higher education research?
2. What are the implications of the definitions and use of these concepts for higher education research?
Definition of Digital Literacy by Research
The term digital literacy was first introduced in the late 1990s by Gilster (1997): "the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when presented via a computer".
Josten et al. (2012) use Poole's (1997) definition of digital literacy as "the adaptation of skills to a new medium, [and] our experience of the Internet will be determined by how we master its core competencies. We do".
This suggests that digital literacy, similar to terms such as media literacy and computer literacy, has origins in a skill-based understanding of the concept and is thus related to the functional use of technology and skill adaptation, as Gourley et al. (2013) also argues.
In recent publications, definitions of digital literacy point to cognitive skills and competencies (Mishra et al., 2017).
Definition of Digital Literacy by Policy
JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) defines digital literacy as "the appropriate capacity of an individual to live, learn and work in a digital society" and defines "computer literacy, information literacy, media literacy, communication and collaboration". defines the integration of the ability to do. harnessing digital networks, participating in research and scholarship dependent on digital systems, studying and learning using technology, and using digital tools and media to make informed decisions and achieve goals" (JISC, 2011, page 2).
Further developing and discussing the definition of digital literacy
Lee (2013) presents a critical discussion of how using digital literacy definitions from policy documents and organizations potentially runs the risk of underestimating research contributions, thus contributing to knowledge development at the expense of policy implementation in HE. hinders.
Stewart (2013, p. 232) defines digital literacy as "being able to incorporate the connection and communication possibilities of digital technologies, to generate, remix, rearrange and share new knowledge, as well as to distribute existing information." to be able to".
Further developing and discussing the definition of digital capability
Tsankov and Damyanov (2017) initially defined digital competence as one of eight core competencies for lifelong learning in the European Commission's (2006) report on "confidence and confidence of information society technologies for work, leisure and communication". significant use".
It is important for education majors to have the ability to find, collect, and process information and view it critically and systematically, as well as the skills to use design tools for media information and the Internet. -based services have the ability to access, search and use. Particularly in the context of their future activities and opportunities for continued professional competency."
Definition of Digital Capability by Research
Scuotto and Morellato (2013) Calvani, Cartelli, Finney, while defining digital competence as “the ability to detect and cope with new technological situations in a flexible way, analyzing, selecting and critically evaluating data.” and Raniri (2009, p. 186). To harness technical capacity to represent and solve information, problems and to promote awareness of respect for one's individual responsibilities and interpersonal rights/obligations Building shared and collaborative knowledge while delivering".
With this, the presentation ends. However, I want to quickly summarize the beginning of this article and answer the questions:
1. How have the concepts of digital competence and digital literacy been defined and used in higher education research?
What are the implications of the definitions and use of these concepts for higher education research?
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