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Integrity A Way of Life Essay for Students & Children

integrity a way of life essay

Integrity a way of life essay

Integrity a way of life is it really true yes it is, for a sure majority of us have come across situations where people around us do not trust us and situations where we are surrounded by people whom we don't trust

so which one is the whole situation one was northern but where does this trust come from and why is it that some people are more trustworthy than others, the answer to this question very simple that is intimate 

There's a very famous line which perfectly describes the world integrity and life goes on - integrity is sterling shown to be cursed and to be a person of integrity means to hold oneself consistently to a high standard and to be a person of his own words 

Integrity, the antonym is dishonesty and the synonym is an honor. This paints a fairly clear picture within these two words. Honesty is a pure ethical principle through which a person can earn respect and honor.

Respect and honor from others help build lasting personal and business relationships, which leads to long-term success. Ethics and success are deeply linked. 

Ethics are the foundation on which long-term success is built. Integrity is defined as adherence to moral and ethical principles. 

Integrity is, therefore, the result of strong ethics. It is a quality I strive to uphold. Since I was little, integrity was not something merely encouraged by my family, it was expected. 

Honesty was the only policy and responsibility was something to be demonstrated daily. 

My family has not only encouraged, but demanded that I grow to be an ethical young woman. 

I am grateful for my parents' high standards and good example because it has laid the foundation for my success in and out of the classroom. 

My father was part of a committee to formulate the guiding principles of his company. 

They wrote this statement as a cornerstone for their business: "We will demand honesty and integrity in everything we do." Beneath this statement, they included a "Why this is important?

"clause that states "By consistently doing the right thing with conviction, candor, compassion, and courage, we will learn and keep the respect of our clients and coworkers. 

We must always be respectful of and accountable to our clients, our coworkers, and ourselves." 

The guiding principle is powerful. It stresses the importance of accountability as a part of maintaining integrity. 

Time after time I have found this to be true. By taking leadership roles in my extracurricular activities, not only have I needed to be accountable to members of my clubs, but I have to hold them accountable as well. 

For example, as president of a large county-wide 4-H group, I am expected to be prepared for meetings with an agenda and be aware of the club and county events. 

The members must expect this from me for the meetings to be run successfully. As president, I must also hold the members accountable for their commitments. 

I follow up with people who have volunteered for committees to ensure they have their roles fulfilled. Sometimes when I follow up, the member is not prepared. I must remind them of their responsibility and expectations set before them and guide them so they follow through in order to benefit the group. 

As I previously stated, ethics are the foundation on which long-term success is built. Although taking moral shortcuts can lead to immediate success, it is only brief. Long-term success results from sound judgment and strong ethics. 

This idea is demonstrated everywhere from the classroom to the conference room. Copying homework assignments may get good daily grades, but when the test comes it catches the person unprepared and they are set up for failure. 

A recent example in the business world is the Peanut Corporation of America. They knowingly distributed peanuts contaminated with salmonella and two years' worth of over four hundred different products containing their peanuts have been recalled. 

They compromised the integrity of their product for profit and now have filed for bankruptcy. The penalty for their poor moral decisions is the demise of their company and possibly prosecution. 

The Peanut Corporation of America is an extreme example, but an individual's ability to grow in or keep a job is based on the same principle. Relationships develop with trust and trust comes from honesty. Coworkers can not trust you if integrity is taken out of the relationship. 

"Maintain a commitment to honesty, fairness, and the highest level of ethics in every interaction. 

Our actions demonstrate our integrity." This is one of the tactic statements in the guiding principle document my father helped create. 

I learned this lesson from my parents as a way to live my life. As I continue to expand my world, I will seek success with only the highest standards of integrity. 

Integrity a way of life speech

Integrity is standing up for what you believe in it's being open honest and responsible for all of your actions, it's admitting and apologizing for your errors when mistakes are done. integrity is not a characteristic rather it's a way of life

so what do you think integrity is? 

Doing the right thing by choosing your thoughts and actions is just being honest, well it does mean all this but adding to it it also means doing the right thing even when no one is watching choosing your thoughts and actions based on moral values rather than personal interests and being honest rather than being impressive.

Having integrity means you are true to yourself and you would do nothing that demeans or dishonors see according to me integrity is a kind of glue that keeps our way of life together to make my words clear

I would like to state the example of dr. APJ Abdul Kalam a man of integrity who not only insulated his family from the trapping of powers but never used his personal capacity as the president of India for fulfilling any kind of undue favors to his skills 

Dear listeners what I'm trying to bring to your notice through this is that we must try to develop our personality in such a way that we are a person of integrity the mother of all values

I'm sorry to say but if you don't have integrity you have nothing when you stand for integrity everything you say carries a voice of credibility, remember dear people the things that you do when no one is watching are the things that define you

"talking is not enough you must do it if you say you're gonna do something make sure you do it if you talk it is to make sure you walk it".

Integrity A Way of Life Essay for Students & Children

Which one word would you use for honesty? Freedom from corruption, honesty, freedom from motive, or something else? 

For some people, honesty is doing the right thing against something wrong, while for some it is a way in which they direct their lives. But what does the word actually mean?

Honesty is at par with values ​​like intelligence, courage and perseverance. It is the choice of values ​​you choose to live your life to build your personality and character. 

Again, integrity is the foundation or foundation of your character that helps inculcate values ​​in your life.

Confused by too many synonyms related to the word? Let's make it simple. Integrity means being honest with everyone in every moment. And to start it, you need to be honest with yourself first. 

Living life is not everyone's cup of tea which also comes with high values ​​and high virtues. No matter what the situation, you need to be honest with yourself, and this will not allow you to fail others. 

People with integrity are the best, honest and truthful in whatever work is given to them. His level of honesty helps him to excel in every occasion as well.

Importance of honesty

Still, looking for reasons that help realize the importance of integrity? Here are some that will be helpful to you.

Lead your heart

Integrity rests on three fundamental pillars, namely leadership, work, and life. 

This means that honesty does not involve questioning yourself but listening to what your heart tells you and doing the right thing about it.

Adhering to these three pillars of integrity makes your life simple and easy to live with complete peace. 

Such people are open to books to read without any secret or lying to hide any matter. 

They are also quite open to the people around them and have an equal relationship with everyone. 

From now on, it means that while leading your heart to make important decisions for your life, honesty will always keep you safe and secure from any kind of failure as you don't have any secrets or malicious behavior to hide from others Huh.

Helps to gain the trust of others

When one starts working or doing work honestly, he is inevitably going to win the trust of others. 

It makes an impact not only on the people you trust but also on special people with whom you are closely attached to work. 

This is important, especially for those where initiatives have been taken. Others see you as reliable and responsible for your activities. 

Trust builds, individuals, feel secure in your quality, and you gain influence. 

Then, it is also important for various corporate executives so they can get the most out of their employees without any hindrance.

Gives you popularity

When everyone notices your honest nature, you are definitely gaining a position of being a role model in their life or offices. 

Even if you don't like to be someone's role model, you will be put in that position because honesty is the shadow of ethical leadership which includes customers, companies, stakeholders, community, church, family, etc. are imagining. 

Role model for many people. And when you express your integrity, you are sure to win the respect and trust of others associated with you. 

It not only gives you popularity but also helps you to get good prospects for your career gains.

Honesty in your curiosity

Your honesty is reflected in your eagerness to firmly hold on to the qualities that are most important to you. It is difficult to guarantee anything but maintaining them is often difficult. 

In any case, every time you guarantee that you did, it is a show of honesty, which thus strengthens your character. 

When you act with integrity in all your actions, you will find that all aspects of your life will move forward. 

You will start pulling the best people and situations into your life. You will be an extraordinary person in the end and an achievement in everything you do.

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