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Showing posts from June, 2020

What Makes Canada Great? Why Canadians Are So Nice?

What makes Canada is so great? Canada received its own flag in 1965 almost 100 years after it became a separate country in 1867 people in Nanaimo British Columbia are fans of a very exciting kind of sport since 1967 they've been organizing and participating in bathtub racing these unusual competitions take place every year and involve bathtub boats and a lot of fun. in 2017 Canada celebrated its 150th anniversary on 1 of July, this day is also known as Canada Day. Canada is officially the most educated country in the world with 56% of its population having some kind of post-high school education degree, Ottawa the capital of Canada isn't the largest city in the country with a population of about 1 million people it comes second to Toronto the capital of the Ontario province almost 3 million people live in that city, Approximately 90 per cent of Canada's land area is isolated even though it's bigger than the US it has only 11% of America's population, at 486...