Are we too dependent on computers essay
Computers are great things and are very useful in everyday life but they create a certain distraction which just overpowers our will to stay away from the computer
What good is technology when the majority of its users usually as a crutch rather than a tool
In our modern-day world computers are absolutely essential it is impossible to run away from these devices and we become so dependent on them that we just can't do things on our own now
for example, say you were doing some type of home ranking you couldn't figure out the answer instead of trying to understand the problem or asking a peer for help when you decide to go on Google and math way Quizlet, etc to find the answer.
Computers have controlled the role in so many ways that it's hard to imagine the world without them memorizing is the thing overtaking by time from so many people, aren't even able to remember their own passport numbers PIN numbers or even their phone numbers
Try to imagine a world without Google Maps or GPS navigation systems, in general, it's sad that most of us can't even get around our own city without them.
There are so many aspects in our lives that make dependency and computers inevitable the attachment takes away from our independent thinking and will remain as such until we learn to become less dependent on computers
According to MIT, it is said that in the next 10 to 20 years there will be a computer smarter than the whole human race alive today
that is a scary future that we don't have to attest to have you change our habits from now
Favor of computer uses
It's easy to look at how far technology has come and said that we have become too dependent on computers there are businesses operating slowly online and ebooks have been replacing the need for printed books as well as textbooks for some years.
we now also have a computer as GPS which has made op maps obsolete, we use computers in schools more frequently now but I still wouldn't say that we're too dependent on them
Computers are also used in important cases such as health care, simple surgical procedures can be done by a surgeon and a computerized machine so that there is minimal scarring and less damage likely to happen.
We use computers to make difficult and tedious tasks more simple and more efficient, according to a website called, multiple people brought up the statement that computers are like any other tool that man has made
Computers were designed to make tasks that could be a hassle more simple and efficient the same debate arose when the radio came about and television
Now we see the radio is somewhat obsolete and most people aren't constantly glued to their TVs
Another point that came upon on was that humankind once lived without computers we've all become used to the use of computers and the key to not becoming too dependent on them varies on the person and their level of self-control
According to an article I read titled are we teaching kids to be too dependent on technology for Julia Denis there is more technology being used in classrooms today
However, this technology isn't used to give students the answers to everything but to reinforce what they have already learned
This keeps the student more interested in the subjects as well in my experience technology used in the classroom has helped me research material faster and more effectively.
Computers were fictional years past, and because of their ability to be able to perform varied tasks, they need extremely places to use by personalities.
Their area unit varied reasons that junction rectifier to computers being placed to most use by individuals. this can be as a result of they permit individuals to try and do their work whereas reception, individuals area unit able to socialize with those they need ne'er met, and conjointly contact friends and relatives UN agency live so much.
As humans still use computers, they get captivated by them, and the area unit is unable to guide lives while not computers. this can be a result of their whole lives relying on and revolving around computers. this text can specialize in the importance of computers and see whether or not we tend to area unit too enthusiastic about them.
The world these days depends heavily on computers and this dependence has positive and negative impacts. Computers have several advantages, however, these advantages conjointly go with negative effects.
This may be a little issue for older learners, however, younger learners' UN agency area unit active on a way to scan and write can have difficulties.
These factors area unit on the increase and it's an advocate for computers to be reserved for older learners, assignments that area unit long such TOK.
Also read: Impact of technology on human relations essay
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